Pork Chop Open
August 9, 2024 7:30 AM
Central Valley Golf CourseHartford, SD

Become a member of the SD Master Pork Producers and get involved!
The SD Master Pork Producers Association is made up of Allied Industry Individuals whose goal is to recognize outstanding South Dakota Pork Producers and to promote the South Dakota Swine Industry in a positive manner.
SD Master Pork Producer’s have been very active for over 45 years in promoting the swine industry and plan to continue that tradition for many years to come. Annually, we select and recognize outstanding SD Master Pork Producer winners, which are recognized at the SD Master Pork Producer Banquet during the SDPPC Pork Congress. The SDMPPA Banquet along with our Annual Pork Chop Open has helped us raise more than $100,000 in funds that go toward scholarships at SDSU for students interested in swine production. We also have been able to donate thousands of pounds of pork to The Banquet, an organization which provides meals for the less fortunate, and pork certificates to families of deployed military during the holidays.
MPPA Officers
President: Mark Vanderwerf(Mark.Vanderwerf@fcsamerica.com) - Farm Credit Services of America
Vice President: Eden Bomgaars(edan.bomgaars@boehringer-ingelheim.com) - Boehringer Ingelheim
Treasurer: Ashley Gelderman(AGelderan@standardnutrition.com) - Standard Nutrition
Secretary: Tina Erickson(terickson@sdppc.org) - South Dakota Pork Producers Council